COVID-19 Work Update

As we move forward during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Champion Employment, Inc. / ChampionPEO is doing its part to help slow the transmission of COVID-19.

  1. Beginning April 6, 2020, all employees will be working remotely (until further notice). All work will continue to be processed as required.
  2. All onsite scheduled training sessions will be re-scheduled remotely through GoTo Meeting.
  3. Onsite client visits will cease until further notice.
  4. Sales will conduct new client meetings through conference/video calls.
  5. ChampionPEO employees will continue to take your calls.
  6. Taxes are not being affected. All taxes will continually be paid on a regular basis as required by the IRS, the State of Michigan and Michigan Unemployment (please keep in mind, it is the client’s responsibility to continue to pay their Sales Use and/or Marijuana Taxes as required by the IRS or the State of Michigan).
  7. ChampionPEO strongly recommends you inform your employees to sign up for direct deposit. If an employee does not have access to direct deposit, ChampionPEO will work to get them signed up with our Visa Debit Card program. This will alleviate any delays due to manual checks being mailed or picked up as we are working remotely. Not having a manual check reduces the need to travel to and from banks or other check cashing establishments to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus
  8. Emergency issues will be handled by a matter of importance.

Working together, we will get through this. We ask our clients to be patient as we continue to supply you with the best service possible during these unprecedented times.

ChampionPEO is continually keeping up to date with regards to the Family First Medical Care Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Unemployment issues. As we receive new and updated information, ChampionPEO employees will forward accordingly.

With regards to benefits that employees are currently enrolled in, please speak with your organization regarding your coverage should you need to request time off due to the Family First Medical Care Act or the Family Medical Leave Act. As we gather information from organizations such as Aflac, BCBS, BCN, Guardian, Slavik, etc. Champion Employment, Inc. / ChampionPEO will forward the information to the clients that may be affected.

We understand that some employee’s hours may be decreased due to the COVID-19 outbreak, please keep in mind, your employees are eligible to apply for Underemployment to help offset their pay. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact ChampionPEO at your convenience.ChampionPEO will send out updates on a regular basis as needed.

We would like to thank you for your continued & perseverance.

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